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This is my 23rd year teaching in Montgomery County. I taught elementary for 20 years before I decided to join the Best middle school - Richview. I was born and raised in Clarksville. I graduated from Austin Peay with an undergraduate degree and Master's degree in Reading. My husband and I have two children, Cade and Reese. I would love to say that I have hobbies, but my children play sports. We spend most of our time at ballfields and I would not want it any other way!
I am so excited to be teaching Science and Social Studies this year!! I know that middle school can be a little scary, but please know that I am here to help in any way that I can. I believe that one of the most important aspects of teaching is building relationships with my students and their families. We can do this by communicating and working together to make this year successful. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns.
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  • Leave cell phones and electronic devices in your backpack.
  • No food or drink in the classroom unless you bring a clear bottle/container of water.
  • Arrive to class on time and ready to learn.
  • Never line up at the door before dismissal. I will dismiss you.
  • Use polite and appropriate language.
  • Always do your best and turn it in on time.