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Hello Parents/Guardians of Richview Middle School. I am very excited to be teaching sixth grade science this year at Richview Middle School. I have a strong passion for science, and I love being able to share it with my students! My wife and I have lived in Clarksville with our son and nephew for the past ten years, and we absolutely love it here. Our son is a sixth grader here at Richview Middle School, and our nephew is a Junior at East Tennessee State University ETSU. I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon State University in 2002, and my Masters of Arts in Education degree in 2010. I was born in Iowa City, Iowa, but I was raised in Carlsbad, California which is located 35 minutes north of San Diego. I am looking forward to another great year of teaching!
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Regular Day: 7:20 AM to 2:15 PM

Half Day: 7:20 AM to 10:45 AM

Early Release: 12:00 PM

  1. Be Respectful: Remember to listen to your teacher, listen to your classmates, and wait your turn to talk.
  2. Be Responsible: Come to class on time, and have all your materials ready for the days instruction.
  3. Be Honest: If you have questions PLEASE ASK ME 🙂 We are here to learn, so if you do not understand something, just ask!
  4. Be Polite: Remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated!