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It's good to meet you. I actually came OUT of retirement for this job! Yes, some think I might be crazy; but, I truly love working in this capacity. In School Suspension is a new role for me. I worked for 14 years at Northeast High School as a US History teacher. Previously I taught in Virginia, Texas, California and Florida. And I've been with CMCSS for 17 years and in the teaching profession going on 24 years.
I find Richview Middle School to be a truly caring and enriching environment. As such, I try to share some of my experience as a high school teacher with the students who spend some time in ISS. I'd like them to leave ISS prepared to reenter the classroom with all their assignments in order and ready to try again and to be successful.
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ISS Classroom Rules

  • Refrain from talking
  • Stay seated at all times
  • Keep your head up at all times (no sleeping)
  • Face forward and do not disturb others
  • Raise your hand when you need something or to ask a question
  • Read and follow your teacher's assignment instructions
  • First complete the ISS assignment and then begin your classroom assignments
  • You must be given an exit slip to return to your regular classes.
  • Prepared!  It is the student's responsibility to have all necessary materials.  Laptop, charging cord, notebooks, workbooks, pencils, pens and paper.
  • Purposeful! Students will work in ISS to maintain their assignments.  They may even have the opportunity to make up some missing assignments. Every minute in ISS should be doing purposeful work.
  • Prosperous ! A synonym of prosperous is thriving. My expectation for students of ISS is to learn, grow and thrive. Having spent some time in ISS, I want students to return to class eager to get back to the business of school.